Political parties support eviction of political centre Vrankrijk


  Political parties support eviction of political centre Vrankrijk


Past tuesday, 27th of march, the mayor of Amsterdam got the political backing to raid Political-cultural Centre Vrankrijk in an attempt to close it down. Vrankrijk is an independent and autonomous squat bar that has existed for 18 years. Since two years the city has been trying to force Vrankrijk to accept legal permits and licences. This means that we would have to accept police checks and control on our activities. This is of course not acceptable for us! The activities that happen in Vrankrijk and the goal of freedom and autonomy cannot function within a situation where such control by the police can and will happen.

link Over the past two years it has become more and more clear that the city has not entered in this proces for the safety of visitors of Vrankrijk, but only to gain some kind of control over a radical and independent meeting place for activists and squatters. This became very clear when high ranking police officers threatened the mayor with a lose of confidence of all 6000 policemen in Amsterdam if he would concider an agreement which didn?t involve police controls.

Now the city council has spoken out in support of the mayor and the policeforce, and are calling for a closure of Vrankrijk if we do not tolerate police control. This means that at any moment know a raid by the Amsterdam authorities can take place. They will try to close down Vrankrijk by evicting and then boarding up the place. We can and will re-squat the place immediately. (the building is owned by former squatters who are sympathetic). This means we have the opportunity to continue the fight for this place even after the first, second or third eviction. We do need support from as many people as possible to be able to do this. We call on everyone to resist in any way possible. To put pressure on the city of Amsterdam to stop there attempts to close down this independent and autonomous place.

Stop the eviction! For autonomy and solidarity

For more information: http://www.vrankrijk.org/or info [at] vrankrijk [dot] org




Political-cultural Center VRANKRIJK under threat


  Political-cultural Center VRANKRIJK under threat


March 2001

After two years of threats by the City Counsil, Administrative Force against Vrankrijk can be applied since january 5th. This means that Political-cultural Center Vrankrijk can be closed down by the police and the authorities at any moment. Vrankrijk has become the next Freeplace that has to be destroyed by the authorities, as a result of a policy to erradicate all independent initiatives. In their opinion Amsterdam has to be in service of big-bussiness, tourists, and the upper classes. Collective and independent initiatives have no right of existence in a Euro oriëntated Amsterdam.

For 18 years Vrankrijk has tried to be an alternative for moneyhungry and commercialized nightlife. Vrankrijk is run on a voluntary basis. Collectively we take responsibility for Vrankrijk, so people can have a good time and are safe for, for example, fire-hazards as well. Vrankrijk respects everyone for whoever or whatever they are, not for what their financial status or position is. The underlying goal is not to just be an alternative, but also to support numerous groups and people who try to make an effort for a just society based on solidarity and autonomy.

Now the City Counsil is trying to ?normalise? this initiative by forcing police control by means of a permit or license. As an excuse they use the argument that normal nightlife facilities have to accept the rules as well. This is rubbish! Vrankrijk can not be considered normal commercial nightlife, but should be accepted as an independent political-cultural Freeplace. We have always been open to coöperation with the firebrigade or enviromental services, but we will never accept police inspection nor hand over membership lists. By demanding this the City Counsil is willingly forcing a conflict with the volunteers and sympathisers of Vrankrijk. They must not be allowed to force us into there regulations of profit, selfishness and the biggest common denominator. They should realise that Amsterdam needs independent non-profit initiatives like Vrankrijk. These places should not be forced into the straightjacket of regulated commercial life.

Now, after two years of talks, their restrictive and repressive policies threaten to lead to a forcefull closure of Vrankrijk. The Amsterdam authorities have repeatedly been trying to criminalise and de-politisize the Vranrijk volunteers and sympathisers. Most recently after the eviction of the Kalenderpanden and earlier in reaction to protests during the Euro-summit.

Recent soothing words, officially used to deëscalate, have proven to be of no value. It is evident that the Amsterdam police department has been blocking any possible solution that involves any loss of control and authority on their part.

Whatever happens, we will not give in to their repressive demands or any other form of faulty city-policy.

For Autonomy and solidarity Stop the closure of Vrankrijk!! http://www.vrankrijk.org/ or info [at] vrankrijk [dot] org

