Zadar (Croatia): Nigdjezemska roof appeal

We invite you to support us in rebuilding the decayed roof of “Nigdjezemska” (“Nowhereland”),which despite our efforts and attempts continues to leak rain while destroying inventory and activities in the concert and performance space of “Nigdjezemska”. The socio-cultural center “Nigdjezemska”is a project of the civic initiative “Nigdjezemska” gathered around a former boiler room and canteen in the military complex Stjepan Radić in Zadar.

At the end of 2012,the initiative had renovated the dilapidated boiler room building with the intention of gathering in an autonomous socio-cultural scene to act and cooperate on the horizontal “Do It Yourself” principles of cooperation and solidarity, while striving for self-sustainability. Nigdjezemska has opened its doors and started the program in the spring of 2015 and began activities such as concerts, discussions and workshops, a free shop, a communal garden, and infoshop library, film screenings and the provision of space, human and technical support to individuals and associations in the field of cultural production.

In this context, we invite you to support us once again, this time in the renovation of the decayed roof of the building of “Nigdjezemska”ie the concert and performance space of “Nigdjezemska” which despite our efforts and attempts continues to leak rain and destroy inventory and activities in the space. After having seeked expert advice, we came to the conclusion that the most optimal solution is to re-raise and replace bitumen-tar strips and metal sheets along the edges of the roof, i.e. a partial restoration of the upper part of the roof.
