The government has announced a second wave of evictions on the zad of Notre-Dame des-Landes. The operation could be launched as soon as May 15th. We have no idea how large or how long it will be. What is certain is that we cannot trust official announcements and that we will mobilise if faced with any new attempt to pick and choose, which living places on the zad they will evict.
Despite those, from the government or unfortunately even from the movement, who try to sow divisions, label and increase tensions, we will maintain as wide as possible a common defense for all the living places, perspectives and activities that are intertwined on the zad.
This is the line that we have wanted to hold, as much within the negotiations as with the various forms of resistance and mobilisations on site for several weeks. We thus invite everyone to be ready to react again on the zad and everywhere else from May 15th.

# Practically, we are calling :
-> To join the picnic-gathering on Monday 14 May at 1pm, place du Pont Morand (Nantes) for the meeting with the Minister of Agriculture.
-> A gathering in front of the Préfecture in Nantes at 6pm, following the first day (and every other day) of evictions.
-> Gatherings and occupations in front of town halls, préfectures, French embassies, consulates, etc where ever you are. Meeting points can be sent to zad @ in order to be added to the website. Action reports can be sent to soutienzad @
-> A demonstration on the Saturday following a week of evictions in Nantes
-> A gathering on the zad the Sunday following a week of evictions in Nantes
# Various welcome spaces will be set up on the zad, see info on
# We are calling all those who are joining us to resist on site to :
– take care so that there is a possibility of a diversity of tactics and diversity of people present on site
– take care of our neighbours from the surrounding villages, and of the necessary farming work, and thus to keep the traffic fluid on the roads outside of the moments of resistance to evictions.
You can follow updates on and/or on twitter @ZAD_NDDL
Some occupants from the zad.
[Posted on May 14, 2018 by zadforever.]