ZAD: Call-out for fortification at La Grée

After three weeks of the police operation of ZAD nddl, our struggle to resist continues even as others negotiate with the state.

The next wave if evictions is said to start on the 14th of May, but they continue to harrass us. We are surrounded almost every day; they come to destroy both permanent and moveable barricades, as well as our cabins. We are rebuilding them bigger and better, making barricades become cabins and walls of permaculture. To do this we need hands, ideas, energy and enthusiasm. We want to use this socalled «peace » to prepare ourselves as best we can for the next wave of eviction. We can provide food and sleeping places for anyone who comes to support us.

Come as many as you can and bring tools. You can find the list of tools needed here.

Translator note : IF you do not speak any french, it is still possible to be involved. Just approach someonne with a radio as you arrive and let them know what language you speak, and we will connect you with people who can translate.
