Support needed for KRZYK squat in POLAND…


  Support needed for KRZYK squat in POLAND…


As we already informed, the squat “krzyk” in Gliwice in Poland is now under a threat of being closed. On the 23 July the inhabitants of the squat had a meeting with the President of the City and now they know, that the builduing of the squat will be destroyed, and that nowbody wants to give them another place. The City Council permanently ignores the demands for the house, thet the squatters introduced several times to the city hall. The members of “krzyk” collective ask everybody for support, especially for writting mails/ fax to the city municipalities/ local representatives of polish authorities with demands for a new place for the squatters , who made a lot of social work for the local people. We give you an example of a letter, but of course any other creative letters are welcomed!!

I would like to express my solidarity with the members of the collective “krzyk”, who would like to continue its social and cultural activities in Gliwice. I cannot understand, why the local authorities try to ban the democrative groups of people who help to local inhabitants by organising things for the youth and who prepare the meals for the poorest, to mention just few of their iniciatives. I want to signalise, that the municipalities shoud support this kind of activities instead of banning them.




Adresy Urzêdu Miasta Gliwice:The fax number to the Municipalities in gliwice:

fax (0-32) 231-27-25 – centrala urzedu miejskiego

pm1 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – prezydnet Zygmunt Frankiewicz
turejkom [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – I zastepca prezydenta miasta Ryszard Trzebuniak
zp2 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – II zastepca prezydenta miasta Janusz Moszyñski
wroblewskat [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – III zastepca prezydenta miasta Andrzej Jarczewski
zp4 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – IV zastepca prezydenta miasta Andrzej Pañczyszyn
zm2 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – cz-onek zarzadu miasta Andrzej Tomal
se [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – sekretarz miasta W³adys³aw Sobczyk
sk [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – skarbnik miasta Andrzej Lorek
boi [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – biuro obslugi interesantow
biuro_prasowe [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – biuro prasowe urzedu miasta
tokareke [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – biuro rady i zarzadu miasta
au [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial architektury i urbanistyki
so [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial spraw obywatelskich
edu [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial edukacji
fin [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial finansowy
pu [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial przedsiewziec gospodarczyc i uslug komunalnych
rp [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial radcow prawnych
ir1 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial inwestycji i remontow
na [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial nadzoru wlascicielskiego
zd1 [at] um [dot] gliwice [dot] pl – wydzial zdrowia i opieki spolecznej



